December has been a magical month. All of my closest friends from home (Bucks County, PA) came to visit me in Lynchburg for the first time since moving here a little over 3 years ago. We have all been friends for over 18 years, some of us over 20 years. My friend Taylor summarized the magic of the weekend best over on her Instagram (@taylorwitte_).

“A weekend with the girls… Over the weekend we were talking about how lucky we are, to have a friendship like ours for 18 plus years and counting. We are lucky because we are all so different, yet balance each other out in the best way possible. Lucky because we go days, weeks, months without talking to each other, but never get offended by it and can easily pick up where we left off. But the absolute luckiest because we have been through all of each others highest of highs and lowest of lows. From 10 years old, we have gone through every life altering event, the good the bad and the ugly, together. Being around this group of girls feels like your favorite cup of coffee, fresh out of the oven cinnamon rolls, and a warm hug. I love you ladies so so much, for life.”

On Sunday morning, we grabbed coffee and bagels and then went out to our property, where Sam and I will be hosting our Wedding next fall and eventually building our dream home.



In the world of project updates, we’ve got some exciting things happening. Our Murphy’s Meadows project has just about wrapped up, we are waiting on one roman shade for the bathroom and then we will be able to schedule photography. Our Riverbend project is well underway. Tile is happening as we speak, and we are sending out final proposals for all of the hard finishes within the next couple of days/weeks. We have also been pulling together furnishing concepts to present to the clients as we move into that phase of the project in the new year. Our lake house project in NY is moving along beautifully. All of the white oak doors have been installed, railings are in.. waiting to be finished on site, and all of the lighting was delivered last week. We also got approval for all furnishings during our Detailed Design presentation with our BZYBEE clients, so proposals and orders have been flying out the door this month, which will make for an exciting new year!



HILL HOUSE!! We are working with our clients from our Lake House project in NY on interior and architectural design for the smaller house they just purchased directly across the street from the new construction house we have been working on for them. This smaller home will serve as guest over flow for friends and family (now I’ll have a place to stay when we go up to visit)! We are lovingly calling it Hill House, as it sits across the street from their lake house up on a rather steep hill. The street facing facade currently exposes 3 levels of the house, lower level/basement, first floor and second floor. We are all in agreement that it sits way too high on the site and feels very overpowering from the street level. So, our first priority will be to be redesign the architecture of the home, removing the top level and redesigning the roof line to something a little more “campy”. The existing home feels very cookie cutter suburban, so we will be playing with the rest of the exterior to give it that special Adirondack feel. AKA, give me all the vertical wood siding and stone. It’s gonna be good!




Coffee Table Essentials
